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奇抜なモニュメント、簡素なスタジアム |
オリンピック後の東部地区をデザインするレガシーマスタープランにもかかわった。2050年のロンドンを考える。大会期間が終われば各会場が解体(グリニッジ馬術、バッキンガム宮殿近くビーチバレーボール)、移設(バスケットボール)、縮小(競泳)、再利用(選手村を住宅棟)、機能を付加(メーン陸上スタジアムをフットボールスタジアム)し、変貌を遂げる。英国建築の使い方の根底に流れるDIY思想のスタジアム版。大会のコンセプト「Inspire a generation」とあるように“次世代への継承"である。継ぎ足し、末永く使い続けられる建築。
もし、オリンピックを東京で行うのならば、何を提示できるだろうか? 21世紀の日本のあり方を説く本著を読んで、オリンピックをデザインすることは新しい日本の豊かさを日本人だけでなく世界に提示する絶好の機会になると思った。
(コラムからあふれた日常をツイッターでつぶやきます www.twitter.com/yamazakikazuya)
『21世紀の国富論』 AmazonLink
◆Olympics venues are only“scaffolding stages"for a sports festival.
“I see... Finally, I can understand." The scene changed from calm rural to dynamic industrial revolution. The five heated steel rings got together and became Olympic rings above many performers playing factory workers. Sparks from the rings came off. In the Olympic opening ceremony rehearsal, I clearly realised the purpose of architecture for Olympic Games.
This happened at dusk in less thana week before opening ceremony and it has been more than seven years since I hadworked on the Olympic Games bidding stage.
One year ago, I was in the Olympic Park. Although the building exteriors are nearlycompleted, “Why their design doesn't have uniformity and look really cheap?"
This is my first impression. However, I understood by the performance came fromthe British entertainment for the opening ceremony. Athletes, spectators and civilians take precedence for the Games and the architecture plays a supporting part.
Olympic is called “A sports festival" So, this is a festival. Therefore, games venues should be only “scaffolding stages" for special occasions. If we think so, we can accept the temporary steel structures for venues.
Luckily, I also work on the Legacy master plan frame work which is the proposal of the east London area after games. We thought about this city in 2050. The each venue will be transformed. GreenwichPark for Equestrian and Horse Guards Parade for Beach volleyball will be dismantled, Basketball area relocated, the Aquatics centre, the seats are dismantled and reduced its size, the athlete village reused for the residential and the Olympic main stadium added facilities and used for the football stadium. This is sporting venue version of D.I.Y. philosophy underlain the British architectural culture. It is "succession" like the main concept of games,“Inspire a generation". The architecture will be used with adding extensions piece by piece.
If we would have Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan, what shall we propose? It will be a great opportunity to show not only Japanese but also people all over the world what is our affluence and happiness for next generation.
The Olympics are ended. However, the sporting venues are not finished. They willrun together with Londoners and are just on the starting lines.
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