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ロンドンの通勤電車内 |
(コラムからあふれた日常をツイッターでつぶやきます www.twitter.com/yamazakikazuya)
AmazonLink 『思考の補助線 (ちくま新書)』
The advantage of an inconvenient life
On the tube train way back home, I saw Japanese people sometimes. Although theylook similar as other Asian people, it is easy to recognise them because they read Japanese newspapers or paperbacks. We refresh with taking a shower of mother language text after working hard in the different language environment. I glance the title on the cover in their hands and talk to myself, "I agree with your choice. We would like to read that sort of book especially after leaving Japan"
Nowadays, it is getting much easier to have Japanese language environment even in the UK.
In 2001, when I arriving in the UK from the far east and high-tech country, I was totally disappointed by the very slow internet connection. We, however, can watch the news from Japan on the video sharing website. The international phone call with scratching the phone-call-card and worrying about the remaining minutes is now replaced by the free internet call on own smart phone and we can talk as long as we want.
I thought that I wasn't able to improve myEnglish skill without putting pressure on me. Therefore, I came to the UK to live and work in the limited Japanese environment. Although it was a slightly tough job, now I can say that the force of restriction helped me to cope with the different language and lifestyle. Time looking into ourselves naturally is provided in the limited language environment. However, as our life is getting more convenient, on the contrary, it would be less opportunity to have the restriction. It is another difficult aspect to live in the world connected by internet, such as globalized international community.
After reading the book written by the brain scientist, I convinced that the struggling in the limited environment would spark new ideas as if drawing additional lines. There are ideas and thingsmade by under the limited condition. It is similar concept to design architecture because there are restrictions of site and materials which are irreplaceable by digital materials and of project's condition on its process.
We will soon be able to buy and read the Japanese books easily and instantly on theelectric book reader in the UK. I, however, can see only the dull back of the electric device between hands of the person who seats in front of me. It would be more convenient, but it might be boring.
建設通信新聞(見本紙をお送りします!) 2012年11月15日12面
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